TAPPING IN - Internal Connections
We must again find the source, for we are from that source. Call it God, call it spirit, call it what you will, it’s all the same. Our ego makes us think that we are what we do, we are what others think we are, we are what society expects, and that we are not like anyone else. But if only we reconnected to the source, we would realize we are much more than this, and we are not separate from this source at all. We are of it, and if we abandon ego and reconnect to spirit, even just by thinking about it every day, we will find eternal happiness and nothing will ever go wrong. Once we do this, we will understand how our own ideas and intentions have formed our lives and that we have complete power to change this. I find this infinately more satisfying than ego.
---Amandha Vollmer, from The Roadmap of My Mind
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