An inspirational blog on health, life & spirit to support you in making educational decisions with awareness & love, to promote human life and the support of OUR Earth Mother, to support true community, law and sovereignty, the elimination of corrupt elitist control, force, manipulation & abuse of power, while dancing with elegance into our simply balance and True Divinity. TOGETHER WE CAN!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Give Meaning (please vote before Nov 16th)

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I'm a student of naturopathic medicine and I, along with 20 student peers, am traveling to Goa, India for a course in homeopathy studying with the Rajan Sankaran group (among the premier homeopaths in the world.)

The "Goa Goers" are all students of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. As full time medical students at a private college, we're all pretty strapped for cash. The course itself costs $910.00, plus travel costs of approximately $2300.00 per person. This comes to a total of $3230.00 each... or a grand total of approximately $67,830.00. We're looking to raise funds sufficient to partially (or in full) offset the cost of the trip.

If you can please take a moment to visit the following website and vote for this trip, it will ensure we can properly fundraise to support our higher knowledge of this art of medicine, homeopathy.

Here is the official spread the word notice:

I just voted on a great idea to raise money for a charitable goal. If you like it too, please add your vote.

What you're "voting" on is whether you feel the proposed project is worthwhile. When you vote, you're NOT making a financial commitment of any kind; you're simply indicating that you think it's a good idea and should go ahead.

Voting takes less than a minute, and it's easy - so please VOTE NOW, by clicking here to review the project profile (and then just click on the Vote icon to cast your vote).

With enough votes, the Project's founder can work towards making the idea a reality.

The deadline for voting is coming soon: Nov 16th, so please take a moment of your time to vote in support!

Thank you kindly and with love,

Amandha Dawn

Sunday, November 04, 2007

On October 5, the EPA approved a new chemical fumigant for use on strawberries and other food crops across the U.S. The pesticide, methyl iodide, vaporizes quickly, causing it to drift far distances. Although the state of California has categorized it as cancer causing, and the EPA admits it causes thyroid tumors, the Bush Administration has been advocating approval of the fumigant for the better part of two years. In a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson on September 25, the nation's leading chemists asked EPA not to approve methyl iodide without further scientific review. The chemical has been used to induce cancer in laboratory experiments and causes neurological and thyroid problems, as well as miscarriages in studies with laboratory animals. Farmworkers, families, rural workers, and the food supply will now be subjected to exposure to the carcinogen unless the EPA revokes the approval immediately.

Please take action now:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

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Over the past couple of years, the OCA has reported on the National Animal Identification System (NAIS), a set of controversial, mandatory regulations the U.S. federal government claims to have abandoned to the states, but in fact is still pushing, specifically, in the 2007 Farm Bill. NAIS would require that all farmers and farm animal owners implant their animals with a computer chip, even those who just own a single cow, horse, chicken or other farm animal. Last week, the USDA approved the use of two new types of chips for the NAIS program. These same chips have already been planted in millions of pets and marketed to pet owners as an ID device to help find lost pets. Increasingly, these same chips are being marketed and implanted into humans. Evidence has now surfaced that a significant number of studies done in the 1990s revealed that lab animals implanted with the devices developed tumors. When the FDA approved the use of the chips for human implanting, these reports were never made public. In an interview with a retired toxicologic pathologist who studied the chips for Dow Chemical,"The transponders were the cause of the tumors."

Learn more: